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“Climate Change Impact on Crop Water Requirement in Ganga River Basin, West Bengal, India” by Saon Banerjee, Sudip Kumar Chatterjee

Chatterjee, Sudip Kumar, Banerjee,Saon, et al. “Climate Change Impact on Crop Water Requirement in Ganga River Basin, West Bengal, India.” IPCBEC. 2012

Climate Change Impact on Crop Water Requirement in Ganga River Basin, West Bengal, India
Sudip Kumar Chatterjee, Saon Banerjee and Mridul Bose

1 River Research Institute, Haringhata Laboratory, Mohonpur, Nadia, West Bengal. India.
2 All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Agro-meteorology, Directorate of Research, BCKV, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal. India.
3 Department of Physics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal. India.

  1. The threat of climate change is affecting and will affect the important natural resources including water. Considering this, a study was carried out to assess the impact of climate change on crop water requirement. In this study, potato was taken as the refernce crop for its growing period and its high response to irragation. The ET values from the potato field were measured using field water balance method and the data was used to validate the CROPWAT model. After proper validation of CROPWAT model, the model was used to determine the irrigation requirement of potato using current and future (prediction years: 2020 and 2050) weather data. It was observed that irrigation water requirement will be increased by 7 to 8% during 2020, while it may increase about 14 to 15% during 2050.

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Genre: Agriculture Articles, Climate Change Articles
Subjects: Agriculture, Climate Change