How You Can Help!

Live “Green” Every Day!

There are many easy things you can do in your daily life to live “green”, to live in a way in line with Mother Nature that helps and restore her versus causing her more harm. Help educate your family, friends and community members on ways they too can live green, and thus help be the change!


live-green-13 In Everyday Life

“Each one, reach ten!” says Pujya Swamiji. Encourage others in your household, your workplace, and your community on how they too can live in a green, eco-friendly way!


4471528-719787-plate-with-vegetablesOne of the most important choices we can make in life is the food we eat. The choice whether to live as a vegetarian or as a meat-eater has a critical impact on the planet, ourselves, our children, animals, our fellow brothers and sisters, and the environment. To learn more about the issues, click below.

Click here to visit our vegetarian page!











live-green-20At the Office




live-green-32What To Do (Not Do) While At Ganga Or Any Water Body


live-green-29Don’t throw objects from pujas or havans in the river. Instead, put biodegradable materials such as samagri or flowers in plant pots, in the ground, or in composting piles, and recycle all paper and plastics.

live-green-24When placing offerings in Ganga or any river, make sure your offerings are 100% natural and biodegradable (no plastics!). If your offering is in a plastic bag, make sure to take the offering out of the bag before offering to Ganga, and recycle the plastic bag. Ganga is considered a great purifier,but plastics kills all the life in Ganga!

live-green-31Don’t use Ganga or any river as a bathroom. Instead, use community toilets in your area.


live-green-25If you must use Ganga or any river to do your laundry, don’t use detergents.


 Do you know of more eco-friendly and green solutions?

Share them with us below!